Our legends say Jacob (aka Israel), had a son, Joseph, who, after a rather dangerous time settled in Egypt and became the Grand Vizier. After more drama he reunited with his family. Pharaoh gave Joseph’s family all 70 of them (Israel and his Children) land in a place called Goshen[1]. This went well for a while, but later Pharaohs brought them to slavery, and 210 years after Joseph, Moses led the Exodus[2].
Some archeologists think they found Goshen in the Nile Delta at an archaeological site called Tell el-Dab’a[3] near where the capital, Avaris[4], may have been[5].
The excavation is buried deep under other sites, so is of course crushed. But when the archaeologists reconstructed it, the results were astounding; leading some to say that they are 12th and 13th Dynasties and “Proto-Israelites”. Some wonder[6] if the evidence suggests that Joseph lived there and was called Ankhu by the Egyptians. So, what did they discover?
There is a palace (dated to the 12th Dynasty) of Syrian style with two rows of 12 pillars each, perhaps for the 12 tribes and thus a palace and grounds of Joseph’s[7]. The dead were buried on their sides in a semi-fetal position which is Semitic and not Egyptian who are on their backs. The objects found there are of Canaanite origin and not Egyptian.
The palace grounds[8] has 12 tombs perhaps one for each tribe plus a pyramid tomb[9] (a small pyramid was attached). These were made for only royalty. Inside the tomb was a statue about 3 meters tall of a of a man. Egyptians at that time painted statues. This one had red hair styled in the Semitic way, and pale-yellow skin which is how the Egyptians depicted Northerners. He is sitting on a throne holding a throw stick (a symbol of office). He is wearing a cloak painted many colors[10]. Is it Joseph? The archaeologist David Rohl thinks so[11].
We shall see what the archaeologists finally decide. But it is an intriguing find.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_of_Goshen
[2] https://jbqnew.jewishbible.org/jbq-past-issues/2016/443-july-september-2016/long-sojourn-egypt-210-430-years/
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tell_el-Dab%27a
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avaris
[5] https://www.academia.edu/35532146/The_Seal_of_Joseph_in_His_Palace_at_Tell_Ed_Daba_Re_edited_
[6] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f2nqErmcJs
[7] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj4lsrMDkUU
[8] https://truthwatchers.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/josephs-palace.png
[9] https://madainproject.com/content/media/collect/avaris_statue_7323881.jpg
[10] https://egofelix.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/jofullor.gif
[11] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2He5ZyIP8k and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhHV2scE0-k